Supervisory Board

Prof. dr hab. Patrycja Zawadzka

Patrycja Zawadzka

Prof. Dr. Habil. Patrycja Zawadzka is a Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics graduate from the University of Wrocław. She obtained a Doctor of Laws degree and then the title of Professor. She currently serves as Vice-Dean for Finance, Quality and Forms of Education at WPAE UWr, as well as a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Financial Ombudsman. She has extensive experience in legal services for entrepreneurs and the public sector, as well as tax advisory. She is the author of scientific publications on public finance law and financial market law. She has served on the Supervisory Board of PLL LOT since 8 July 2024.

Agnieszka Trzaskalska

Anna Wilga-Szczepanik

Damian Grabowski