Submit feedback or report an issue

If you are contacting us regarding an unprocessed refund, issues with a voucher or have a question about your booking or services (e.g. adding a meal, additional services, pet transportation service etc.) we encourage you to contact our consultants directly via Facebook Messenger (Открывается в новом окне), WhatsApp (Открывается в новом окне) or use the chat window at the bottom right of this page. This will provide you with assistance in a quick and convenient way.

If your flight has been cancelled, choose a convenient option for you by filling out the form available here. You can change the date or route of your flight, request a voucher or request a refund. One simple form will allow you to make modifications as quickly as possible.

If you would like to give us feedback on our customer service or payment errors, please use the form below:

All mandatory fields are marked with (*)

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    Correctness of data

    We process your personal data to investigate the circumstances of the issue reported by you or to respond to your question The controller of your data is PLL LOT S.A. with registered seat in Warsaw. You have the right to submit an objection, the right of access to data, the right to demand the correction of, the removal of, or a restriction of the scope of processing of your data. Details about the processing of your personal data are available here.