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LOT Business Class
Experience the highest standards and fall in love with travelling
Reasons to fly with us
Procedure 24H
You can cancel your order within 24 hours of purchase, and we will refund you 100% of the cost!
Miles & More programme
Take part in the largest loyalty programme in Europe! Earn valuable miles and redeem them for attractive prizes.
Carry-on baggage always allowed
You always get carry-on baggage up to 8 kg included in the ticket price, regardless of your destination or travel class.
Numerous additional services
You will find a whole host of products to enhance the comfort and convenience of your journey.
Don't you feel convinced? Discover more reasons to fly with us!
See where we can take you
Learn about all our destinations. Choose the flight and book your ticket!
Discover our inspirational blog
For travel lovers, those curious of the world, and seekers of inspiration. We write our blog specially for you! Learn about the greatest attractions, discover new culinary flavours and book a ticket!